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Alternaria on peanut in India

A ProMED-mail post 

ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bJcYJd1UM9bbZyueyHGqCfuWBsCz6JLr6QpMnBNG04Pz2V8akThtcwE1bjLVZbAR2-PZoubzhx-ALOhYt6Kir6w~~>

Date: Sat 22 Aug 2020

Source: The New Indian Express [abridged, edited] <https://url.emailprotection.link/?b3-evS9yuqwdHVJLY0Ed2pdxjPgITwbe82TcFVeqW9cHDJInR5aLkyrX6WWaYVMT6S5EeSY87weKr_1btZq5Onlj8c8hv6WMeYan5x_Go0QAJqn690hMRERRKbv-0K5r4BgKTn_9LM3PTESZQbWsbN2dRYNLRwgKEii2XSQnlvE9sk5h2ak8sS8h2jJw7o9LtIbwz_WirMcJ70Jz8ZPAV3w~~>

Leaf spot disease has begun to affect groundnut plants. Spots due to "alternaria disease" has the potential to inflict more than 50% crop loss. The disease is seen in several places in Ranipet and Vellore districts.

"It will affect the growth of the plant, resulting in huge loss," [a farmer said]. [He] urged the agriculture department to look into the matter to save the crops. "The authorities must initiate remedial action without delay to save farmers from incurring huge losses," he stressed.

However, officials of the department seem to be unaware of the disease. [The district] director of agriculture [said], "None has brought it to our notice so far. I will check with our field officers on the incidence of the disease."

Entomologists have suggested spraying of fungicide to control the disease.

[byline: R Sivakumar]


communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[Three members of the _Alternaria_ species complex are known to affect

peanut: _A. arachidis_ causing leaf spot; _A. tenuissima_ causing leaf blight; and _A. alternata_ causing alternaria spot and veinal chlorosis. The pathogens can occur singly or in combination. In India, a disease named "alternariosis" of peanut caused by a combination of all 3 fungal species was reported in the late 1970s in Tamil Nadu. It has since been developing into one of the main constraints to peanut cultivation in some parts of the country.

Alternaria diseases are favoured by high humidity. The fungi can be spread with infected plant material (including on seeds), by mechanical means (including insects and human activities), and by wind and rain. Some weed species and volunteer crop plants may serve as pathogen reservoirs. Disease management may include fungicides, clean planting material, phytosanitation to minimise inoculum, and crop rotation.

Other _Alternaria_ species cause, for example, early blight of potato and tomato (_A. solani_); leaf blight of tea (_A. alternata_); almond leaf spot (_A. alternata_, _A. arborescens_, _A. tenuissima_); leaf blotch of apple (_A. mali_); and black spot of brassicas, including oilseed rape (_A. brassicae_, _A. brassicicola_).



India (with states):


Tamil Nadu districts:




Symptoms of alternaria diseases on peanut:








Information on alternaria diseases on peanut:





and via


Alternariosis of peanut in India via:


Alternaria diseases on various hosts:


Genus _Alternaria_ taxonomy and species list via:


- Mod.DHA]


[See Also:



Purple blotch, shallot - India: (TN)




Purple blotch, spring onion - Jamaica: (MA, SE) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bsZf4gSc9Do5s7et649PaIeWiKqrRv17rTFH2-JmgKGX4otPLJIKRT6I3DbYY8uMndKA8nt7kGSX8UqTesc6nYW8U5oDdzLyrpQqfax3f8tbodDYl-mXriesOX5xFdblz

Core rot, apple - India: (HP)




Early blight, potato - Sweden: (SN) strobilurin resistance https://url.emailprotection.link/?b1BQekj4P9RFaSvR6t66u0CfTf49KNK1cj17imPh6Aqc60AkN3n5xhs_eReZ-_SRxekj9vB-4QlwWMJ987NPNRAJKTNWciEXh8htQ6oiLan2f51ymMBU-vjidbucNBMPg



Yellow leaf curl & blights, tomato - Pakistan: (SD) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bG_6udDkqdh3leT-wZYyNQvvJy2e5LroWyGP_IYzulRl9vQvg1rlJKrr_c1e7KyaSfadZXDFWovg5okcfVO15LcrKINfxXwt64gmtW0sY1acQP17w6IijOwrv7yNb4Z2U



Alternaria leaf spot, almond - USA: (CA) spread




Brassica diseases - UK: alert


Early blight & Dickeya, potato - UK (02) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bnOrU8Gcks90Yo3yIXPiwiOQLE2aS-77ZDOHseo-aU5c11pwrvReel7KjXVDTt81KbXTQS8QvCiSa6jBfOGDXDqhmRz5VdvvLBzsJ1N4LehbGkv7Ob6GICc9lwayB62Qk



Multiple pathogens, tomato, capsicum, strawberry - India https://url.emailprotection.link/?bh1EW1so-yDW9d3va4MaJeHqI0Gt2f3iKuWc8lACItFseIC17NpX2Jb9YSOXp4u9x2EgwgCqV3eiq_kRiPf1zBEMXfaXMiMFSZASalVCwW0VdL4yc9hNjxmncb3IcFzZm

Early blight, potato - Canada: new strains https://url.emailprotection.link/?bgls2lG8Pmqqj2wzYboGFSajE6rYjD-c0B3tFRtZfPTDHQI1xjFDu478pVRUQsvxaEIEuvSKLqhxjinAj4IoeZVPCoC9F9AsvkVMV-5PptAQD9BC0M7wQcUuG7RaUYjLd

and additional items on _Alternaria_ diseases in the archives]

More news from: ISID (International Society for Infectious Diseases)

Website: http://www.isid.org

Published: August 28, 2020

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