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Tungro disease on rice in Arunchal Pradesh, India

A ProMED-mail post


ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bJcYJd1UM9bbZyueyHGqCfuWBsCz6JLr6QpMnBNG04Pz2V8akThtcwE1bjLVZbAR2-PZoubzhx-ALOhYt6Kir6w~~>

Date: Sat 12 Sep 2020
Source: The Arunachal Times [edited]

More than half of the total area under wet rice cultivation in East Siang [district] has been infested by the white-backed planthopper, the brown planthopper, and the green leafhopper [associated with] rice tungro virus, leading to yellowing of standing crops. According to [a] District Agriculture Officer, of the total 6920 hectares [about 17100 acres], 3500 hectares [about 8649 acres] have been affected. The damage assessment is being carried out.

Plant protection scientist Toge Riba said that most of the plants have been damaged by the white-backed planthopper in East Siang. He said though the hoppers have been seen before, they were localized in small patches, but this [2020] season there [has] been a sudden multiplication, leading to quick spread and damage to the fields. The weather has been congenial for the vectors due to the heavy rain and humidity during the transplantation period.

Experts say that infected paddy is not likely to recover, so the farmers should concentrate on paddy which is still unaffected.

However, for many farmers, entire fields have been damaged. Apart from using pesticides, the farmers have been advised to drain the water in order to disturb the breeding spaces, thereby suppressing the growth of the pest population. Organic insecticides like neem are not able to control the pests.

The economic impact will be huge in the affected districts. Rice tungro virus is prominent in most of the hopper complex infested fields. One farmer said that the yellowing had started soon after the paddy transplantation and that the authorities were alerted at the end of July [2020] but did not act on time. Rice is grown organically in the Siang valley, but farmers are panic-buying pest control chemicals now, to save the unaffected paddy.

[Byline: Tongam Rina]


Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[Tungro is one of the most damaging rice diseases in South East Asia.

Yield losses of up to 100 percent have been reported and the disease is spreading in the region. It is a co-infection involving _Rice tungro bacilliform virus_ (RTBV; type species and currently the only member of genus _Tungrovirus_, family Caulimoviridae) and _Rice tungro spherical virus_ (RTSV; type species of genus _Waikavirus_, family Secoviridae). More than one genotype of each virus may exist in the same plant.

Symptoms may include leaf discolouration, stunting, reduced tillering, and reduced grain production. Losses are highest for infections early in the growth cycle. Tungro is transmitted by several leafhoppers, but the most efficient vector is the green leafhopper _Nephotettix virescens_. RTBV cannot be transmitted unless RTSV is present.

Infectious vector insects can spread the viruses over long distances.

The disease is not seed transmitted.

Disease management may include vector control (on both crops and adjacent vegetation), cultural practices, as well as use of rice varieties resistant to the vectors and/or the viruses. However, vector adaptation on leafhopper resistant rice varieties has been a problem.

The presence of multiple viral genotypes in a single location suggests an unstable virus population posing a challenge to achieving durable crop resistance.



India (with states):

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Arunachal Pradesh districts:




Tungro symptoms on rice plants:




<https://url.emailprotection.link/?bAFJo0U3-fnUVUIUckZYXHdZaBNMZZJS2kFWC3xxyieQSShSQ5pSRP-MH2_Fh6Tsb68FvcHAtlhm9ncd47Ao1PK6A7IZdmCtKPD1M6kh3smUnot7JGumh-7Cs7mVl90Qt>, and <https://url.emailprotection.link/?b9BzrjLRXBgRkBKKDLVV_VLi1YvttYCqic5AXlLdABAd6tPu77K8SKbtLuU2nAnCKlAJKMO3pchHjqMcMrpRK5QwsgjyZhYpmBN0a-jjfCzZmwaQjkohP209zSHuGpDkl>

Tungro-affected rice field:





Tungro vector green leafhopper:







Information on rice tungro disease:







<https://url.emailprotection.link/?bYB01QTzQEJcU0cvKBFzMgXnqalfALgRIuTylTU0FKSVYD2N32jKU-jBAKKrl2QOE7BkmA-4baYf8u9zV-U4W2LRbz6KQ9wSdbK2LfJBuvtJfYPcrx-n81OhJSbTnzX-P> (with pictures), and <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bJ9AjokYjtsfCrDCUUIT2oiaEM7ZuMggv14ToJRhI6k2GMhvdK19dBjTstLSXiBY_ntx0RZoI98o94JztKCrpfDgZ4NUmV5lK4K2oFDoxW1ON_e6rjOcxhyAiEon96rxP>

Information on tungro viruses:

<https://url.emailprotection.link/?bu_5yzkx0P7BIxMfMZCcECJO8PRaEYfhu-SnQn-avH8OmhsM88ky3bD6jjlvxyviknCR7AawnVh8xB0kB3-FhyTz8ZHoD9Kx7qBpQlQA2br0jwy9dW0cnptcP0UjYUvrQ> and <https://url.emailprotection.link/?b0KtYSZ5JNCnFuTo-5fpAS0fZ7XytZlK_WJ5hsNbS00mUXKEZSfeZEd6OWM-3OtiWO5Q2gm_AkmfRNHEKEB6pRAjXxB7HbRWcHbmRpFnggIkF4Zw1GNCQ807UL1MNflsx>

Virus taxonomy via:


Green leafhopper information and taxonomy:

<https://url.emailprotection.link/?bG3RTAjz_PzSi-R5YEwmRUMBbKJgWbWI3PNGBcrQb0FQ3vB-0-Va2YDSJ2uo7ilL1STWhpylupKzk0IUT8PChAQzZJGi2IdPkcklvGFwr-XaHdRwqEFZjcz25aZYXRAgN> and <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bkbsJdntY0UH2D6sn8ysEgC5mfjTSEqCn2sXrAMmJi30dx4G3KAeZFiZSP-oClWIQi-rhvEo6VIxAsmpCrUa4y413gnT0yh49KxDf-w-ErqgpH_kRTSLMvVcRJ_SHnyDJ>

- Mod.DHA]


[See Also:



Tungro disease, rice - Philippines: (CB) https://url.emailprotection.link/?biMM60mwDILhQRywm2Ws_w2GxkKNI7cCYaWSzSlBvY2ZdtS5uTr6jJ7kwXxnHkC9sPywRb3HinYaLAsLX6SVBYwMZoWLRVeUjUDeYQcsUZltYQPRuz-CeIG152pITdJ-i



Tungro, blast, bacterial blight, rice - India: (TN, OR)




Tungro disease, rice - Philippines (03): (AQ) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bqdP792GrKQI6CsdDHCHkj-hvO4EVvujVubLmyeVI7m47WisiGiP5Ds0Ci-b44D7nAanwdTe_Nn4654zUSyY_8yRabytkuuuroJtv-6nJAoWShNEYOP-TyjMFRbQrHFVp

Tungro disease, rice - Philippines (02)


Tungro disease, rice - Philippines: (AK) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bmP8XPZd3Uw6BO-3fAauEVhkGdTUrepk38BTldSO0Hv11c5rpyDMBH_nF-Wh4Y50FGbvE60mrcf18_gsU0NWPNAu2b7nJNP343zvdYCNqKYdGX8aqg4l-cbfFEk3eV6Hx



Tungro disease, rice - Philippines: (SCO) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bn-KzTc-hYArO8i9Uz_WK7O7PUhuokx1M_DQ4ew9VOzhy-L6yhRaJz3AdyqFil2PN3vNG-NeM26toNzhs8yUjRjUymVkudeN1O0oQBX0N3bHfdY1MVl8QwnFH4IWogeOJ

Virus diseases, rice - Viet Nam: update (02)


Virus diseases, rice - Viet Nam: update




Virus disease, rice - Viet Nam (02)


Virus disease, rice - Viet Nam


More news from: ISID (International Society for Infectious Diseases)

Website: http://www.isid.org

Published: September 17, 2020

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