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September 4, 2024

Climate-smart agriculture can help California farmers

September 3, 2024

Cómo las rotaciones de cultivos mejoran la resiliencia agrícola - Un nuevo estudio, apoyado por CIMMYT y proyectos como MasAgro-Cultivos para México y Excelencia en Agronomía, subraya los beneficios de implementar rotaciones más diversas en diferentes condiciones de cultivo

July 17, 2024

Wheat breeding strategies for increased climate resilience (Nature Climate Change)

July 11, 2024

How to ensure your farming business keeps pace with a changing climate
Hoe je je boerenbedrijf laat meebewegen in een veranderend klimaat

April 22, 2024

Decoding - Agricultural drought: understanding and adapting
Décryptage - Sécheresse agricole : comprendre pour s'adapter

October 27, 2023

UC Davis researchers create app to help drones improve farm efficiency - When flown at the right times, drones can help farmers adapt to a changing climate

April 12, 2023

Forage genomics key to mitigating ruminant agriculture’s climate impact

April 4, 2023

New insights into engineering climate smart crops for future

March 27, 2023

United Kingdom - Farms producing wider range of produce would offset the impact of climate variability on food supply - Study underlines need for flexibility in future government agricultural policy

January 25, 2023

Adapting growing seasons to climate change can boost yields of world’s staple crops - New research estimates impact of farmer adaptation to climate change on maize, wheat, rice, sorghum and soybean

January 11, 2023

Ancient farming strategy holds promise for climate resilience

January 3, 2023

Three techniques, three species, different ways to fight drought

November 9, 2022

Climate change: Gene editing can help create resilient crops

November 7, 2022

How to make golf courses more sustainable and climate resilient (Syngenta Golf / Growing Golf)

September 1, 2022

Smart farming - Fighting climate change with heat-tolerant plants
Smart Farming - Hitzetolerante Pflanzen gegen den Klimawandel

August 30, 2022

Climate proofing the carrot: Where flavor meets stress tolerance

U.S. Corn Belt - More than half of corn farmers are experiencing drought stress this season, poll shows - Severe stress can mean 50% yield loss; Pioneer shares tips for drought management

August 23, 2022

The potential of conservation agriculture in increasing yield and tackling climate change

August 17, 2022

Stanford researchers have designed synthetic genetic circuits that could help plants adapt to pressures from climate change

August 10, 2022

Mitigate dry conditions with drought tolerant forage crops

July 28, 2022

Innovative Lösungen zur Steigerung der Nährstoffeffizienz und zur Verringerung von Emissionen für eine zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft

July 22, 2022

Breeding with ‘wild relatives’ to produce disease and climate resistant wheat

July 14, 2022

Heat is bad for plant health - Here's how gene editing could help (MIT Technology Review)

July 13, 2022

Soil quality critical to help some U.S. crops weather heat stress from climate change - Study analyzed 30 years of data on four major crops

June 21, 2022

Choosing the best seeds to help sessile oaks adapt to future climates

April 29, 2022

TEAGASC: Why clover is a win-win for both the farmer and the environment (The Southern Star)

April 13, 2022

Cutting down on one ‘super fat’ could help plants survive climate change

March 11, 2022

Novel wheat varieties facilitate deep sowing to beat the heat of changing climates (Nature Climate Change)

March 1, 2022

Strategien zum Maisanbau bei Hitze und Trockenheit

January 17, 2022

Lagertechnik schützt Saatgut vor Klimaschwankungen - Der Saatgutspezialist KWS investiert, wie es heißt, kräftig in den Ausbau und die Modernisierung der Produktion von Zuckerrüben-Saatgut am Standort Einbeck (MM Logistics)


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